Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation in handling Labour Complaints in United Arab Emirates


By Sandi Schwartz

Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation in handling Labour Complaints in United Arab Emirates

The large population of UAE comprises expatriates from different countries of the world. They all come to UAE to seek better work opportunity, career, life, and other professional and social opportunities. More than half of the working class consists of expatriates, and these expatriates have to obey the labour employment rules. If they breach the laws then they have to bear the consequences. Therefore it is a recommendation please consult the lawyers and legal consultants in United Arab Emirates. These lawyers must be expert of UAE Labour and Employment Law specialist and the attorneys are called as Labour and Employment Lawyers. You can book these lawyers by checking with experts in UAE or even online mediums are very successful nowadays.

Labour and Employment Disputes

It is quite common to have labour disputes and conflicts. The UAE labour laws are applied to the workforce in the country. The concerned authority in UAE is called the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE). They are responsible for handling labor-related disputes and issues in the Emirates. Besides, MOHRE is responsible for dealing with labour complaints, labor conflicts, and disputes among the workers. Furthermore, they ensure compliance with the UAE labor laws. 

MOHRE’s New Authority

Most recently, MOHRE has been assigned to grant provisions to the issues the decisions for the claims. The claims of amounts less than AED 50,000 are also granted the provisions by them. However, the decisions given by MOHRE can be challenged in the UAE appeal labor courts. It means decision by MOHRE can be still challenged in appeal court. Furthermore, the employers and the employees of the UAE are protected under the UAE labor laws. Their rights and interests are safeguarded. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE) is the relevant authority in the Emirates that handles a long list of complaints resulting from the employees and employer relationship constraints. The authority is also responsible for keeping a track of all the complaints for the best outcome. Nevertheless, whenever an employee or employer faces conflicts in the workforce. 

Labour Complaints with MOHRE

These labour complaints land up with the MOHRE. The process begins with filing a complaint with them. The relevant authorities ensure that all the complaints coming to them are resolved according to UAE labor laws. All the legal and legitimate employees and employers working in the UAE are eligible to register a complaint with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE). 

Potential Labour Complaint

Anyone worker or employer who feels their rights are violated in any potential can file a labor complaint. Moreover, the employer who files a complaint needs to prove a breach of employment contracts to initiate a process.  The process begins by checking the qualifying criteria of labour and employment complaints. In many cases the labour complaints are rejected as well. 

Complaint Registration

It is not necessary that all the complaints are entertained. The labor complaint has to meet eligibility criteria to commence. This is considered to be the foremost step towards lodging a complaint if something goes wrong at the workplace. Besides, the most common disputes addressed by MOHRE are quite simple in nature. In addition, some of the common factors of labor complaints are related to wrongful dismissal, unfair termination, unpaid wages or salaries, and labor bans in the UAE. 

Breach of Employment

Moreover, the issues like Breach of employment contract, harassment, discrimination, absconding, non-competition complaints, whistleblowing, non-disclosure complaints, workplace related issues, visa status, workers’ compensation, end-of-the-year gratuity, and many other job-related problems are also taken up to MOHRE.

File a complaint with MOHRE

The most easy and convenient way of getting justice and fair treatment is to file a complaint with MOHRE. They will assist the employees and employers with the outstanding disputes and conflicts at the workplace. Filing a complaint with MOHRE is an essential step that can be initiated from a MOHRE mobile application. The MOHRE mobile application is available on all Android and iOS smartphones. 

Official Website

Following this, the individual needs to lodge a complaint on the MOHRE official website.  As an alternative, the labor complaint can be filed using a toll-free phone number in the UAE.

TASHEEL Services

For further facilitation in the UAE, TASHEEL service centers are also readily available all across the Emirates.

Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization MOHRE requires the submission of certain documents for the legality and validity of the labor complaint. They require the filing to be done by providing some crucial documents. It includes a legit and a valid Emirates ID along with a copy of the passport and its details. Moreover, the laborer must submit a Job Offer Letter along with a copy of the employment contract. 

Writing Format:

Additionally, labour needs to submit the problem in detail in writing. Besides, they must also state the violation of UAE labor laws to support the labor dispute. The complaint is submitted and registered within 2 days of submission.  

Time is granted

Both the parties are granted a time period of 48 hours for an amicable settlement of the matter. After 48 hours, the matter still remains unresolved and MOHRE will intervene. They will commence the proceedings. They are dedicated to resolving the labor complaints effectively and efficiently. Anyone can track the complete status by using the MOHRE website or mobile application.

A clear, transparent, and concise compliant mechanism is available that facilitates the parties. The platform is user-friendly and also has a compatible application for a better interface for the users.  However, it is necessary to provide the relevant details and information for a reasonable resolution.

Complaint Mechanism

Complaint mechanism at MOHRE is quite straightforward and has clarity. It adhered to an adequate procedure to resolve the labor complaint in the UAE. The complaint is reviewed after it is submitted to the MOHRE portal.  The complaint mechanism is robust and is sent for a review first. 

Once the it is sent for review. During this process, MOHRE might ask for additional information if needed. Initially sometime is provided for settlement, and after that, it is over and mediation process is started by MOHRE. Nevertheless, they also play a vital role in personal mediation. They perform the role of the mediator to encourage that out-of-court-settlement.  Mediation is considered to be an idle alternative to court-based solutions. 

This encourages legal activity outside the courtroom in the UAE. This allows the 2 parties to sit together to talk to each other through a mediator. Moreover, if mediation fails; the case will go to UAE labor courts. Court referrals will play a crucial part in the compliant mechanism.  The UAE labor court will pass the judgment by hearing the 2 parties. Further, they will enforce the decision on both parties. 

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